

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Document 1
Document 2
Document 3
Document 4
Document 5
Document 6
Document 7
Document 8
Document 9
Document 8

Document 8.
Archives of Historic Military Institute in Belgrade
Written by the Third Military Zone

Top secret, No. 1859/38

On the occasion of the events in Checkoslovakia, the Albanian population in the territory of III military Zone, and particularly in the territory of the Kosova Zone division, organised an uprising and the Albanian irredentism forced its propaganda, spreading its voice further on, that Dukagjin and other regions inhabited by Albanians should be returned to Albania. The convention of Munich made it more possible for the Albanians to think that their question should also be solved soon...
I am only confirming that the situation, due to the Albanians in this area, is different from the situation in the fist military zone, because of the Hungarians and Germans... There are 70% Albanians in the territory of the Kosova Zone division. The Albanians in the territory of this military zone are mostly found in border regions, and less in centres...
This danger from the Albanians is not great for the time being and it is possible to decline and be avoided by wisely applied measures, but in a period of 20 years it will become unbearable, since if it remains under the present Albanian population...it may multiply so much that it will comprise a much larger percentage than the present one. If one bears in mind that the number of highly educated Albanians will be larger, the danger will also be greater...
The number of Yugoslav inhabitants is like this:
a) In the territory of the military zone in Kosova, there are:
- Albanians 401,599
- Indigenous Serbs 207,780
- Colonists 73,040
Total 612,419

The following are distinguished as uncertain zones, due to the number of Albanians: the district of Kaanik with 97 per cent Albanians (the Division of Vardar), but in geographical and economical viewpoint it is linked to the Division of Kosova.

The district of Podrimja with about 90% Albanians.
The area of Podguri 85%
of Llap 80%
of Vushtria 70%
of Gjilan 67% .

One could see out of these figures that from the national aspect a colonisation should be carried out as soon as possible in the territory of the Zone of Kosova Division, parallel to the displacement of the Albaian population. Accordingly, minister of military and marine, by his orders no. 8691 of 7/10/1938 no. 3530 of 17/10/1938, proposed new garrisons to be establish at Rahovec, Suhareka, in Podujeva, Vushtria, Gjilan and Kaanik, so that the settlement of our inhabitants become more efficient by means of these new garrisons in the zones of our border regions on Albania, in which compact Albanian masses live...
In the region of Kaanik, where 12,560 Albanians, and only 60 Serbs and 540 colonists live at present..., to avoid the problems that have risen by dense settlements of non-Slavonic elements, the following measures should be taken:
a) To expel first of all the Albanian element from the border zones and compact places, and the Turkish element only so many as to make the emigration of the Albanians possible.
b) To carry out colonisation of our population in the border zone.
c) To expel all the political immigrants from these zones.
d) Large settlements to be erected, in cultural and political aspect, especially in the border zone.
e) In the clean regions of the Albanians, children should be released from attending school, i.e., to ban them being educated, and it is important not to hold courses of physical education for the youth in order to prevent them getting prepared for war before time.
This headquarters does not possess sufficient evidence on the situation of emigration and the things dealing with it. But one thing is sure, that the Albanians and Turks do not emigrate on their own will, that is why there are cases that those who emigrated once have come back secretly.

Commander, honoured adjutant
of the King, general of Army
Milan Jecmenic.