

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Document 1
Document 2
Document 3
Document 4
Document 5
Document 6
Document 7
Document 8
Document 9
Document 6

Document 6.
Archives of Military-Historic Institute

Vasa Cubrilovic, The Expulsion of the Albanians
Lecture held at the Serbian Cultural Club, on 7 March, 1937

Bearing in mind everything that has been said above, it is no accident that in studying the issue of the colonization of the south, we start from the view that the only effective way of solving this problem is the mass emigration of the Albanians. Like other countries, we have had no success with gradual colonization. When the state authorities wish to intervene in the interests of our own nationality's struggle for land, they can only do so successfully if they act brutally. Otherwise, the local inhabitants, rooted in their birthplace and acclimatized to it, are always stronger than the colonists. In our case, we must remember at an early stage that we are dealing with a poor, deep-rooted, and fertile race, whom the late Cvijic called the race in the Balkans most likely to expand. Between 1870 and 1914, Germany spent whole billions of marks in gradually buying land from the Poles, in order to colonise its eastern territories, but the fertility of Polish mothers defeated German organisation and money.
Thus, in 1918, Poland claimed Poznan as its own again. Our statistics from the years 1912-1931, which we have already mentioned, show that the fertility of Albanian women defeated our colonisation policy too. From this, we must draw conclusions and act swiftly as long as we have time to make corrections.
All Europe is in a state of chaos. We never know what the next day will bring. Albanian nationalism is increasing in our territories too. To leave the situation as it is means, in the case of a world conflict or a social revolution, both of which are possible in the near future, to put a question mark over all our territories in the south. The purpose of this memorandum is to avoid such a thing.